How Better Sleep Became My Personal Resolution
Life in the city is fun, but with so many things to do and people to see, my “live for the moment” mentality has resulted in subpar sleep habits. A typical day goes something like this:
– Wake up groggy in the morning after getting five or six hours of sleep — if I’m lucky — and start the day behind schedule.
– Rush from meeting to meeting at work, clutching a grande coffee and wondering how I’ll be able to keep my eyes open until lunch, when I can grab more coffee.
– Order DoorDash Chinese or Thai on my way home from work — because who has the energy to cook?
A few friends tried out different “mattress in a box” companies, and the one I heard the best reviews about was Nectar. One of my friends even told me that she was sleeping better than ever on her Nectar memory foam mattress. Though I tend to be the skeptical type, the positive feedback, even from unbiased mattress review sites, was convincing.
I liked how Nectar’s soft cooling top said it could keep me cool because the heat in my apartment building can get intense. Plus, with Nectar’s 365-night trial and Forever Warranty I had nothing to lose. If I decided I didn’t like the mattress a few months down the line, I’d return it for free and get a full refund — no harm, no foul.
My new full-sized Nectar mattress arrived in a blue box that was easy to slide into the elevator of my building. When I removed the packaging and put the mattress on my bed frame, I was surprised to see the mattress expand. The first time I laid down on it, the memory foam felt soft and cushiony, but I still felt supported. That night, I made my bed with my favorite sheets and quickly drifted off to sleep.
When my alarm went off in the morning, I was shocked by how soundly I slept and how good I felt. I didn’t wake up in the middle of the night, hot and sweaty, like with my old mattress. I usually have achy hips and shoulders from sleeping on my side, but I felt less discomfort. I knew it could only get better.
As the days have gone on, I find I need less coffee during the day and I am feeling less anxious in general. And my energy and productivity at work was improving. I could actually leave the office on time and pick up groceries to cook a healthy dinner at home, instead of ordering takeout. If I knew that sleeping on a new mattress could improve so many areas of my life, I would have made the move much sooner.
The only problem? It feels so good to stay in bed on the weekends that me and my boyfriend have been ditching social plans for naps and Netflix in bed. Sorry, guys.
The Nectar mattress works for me and it probably will work well for you too. You can check it out here. The mattress includes two memory foam pillows, that is $150 in value! It’s the kind of deal that’s too good to pass up.

Sleep Authority is brought to you by Resident, the company that brings you Nectar, DreamCloud, Awara, Wovenly, Bundle, Home Well Designed and Level Sleep.